Here you’ll find updates about events and projects involving the archive and estate of photographer Zenta Dzividzinska and painter Juris Tifentals.
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Browse latest news and updates below:
Zenta Dzividzinska’s photographs featured in the exhibition “Human Baltic” in the Spiral Garden Gallery, Tokyo
A selection of photographs by Zenta Dzividzinska from the 1960s were included in the Baltic humanist photography exhibition titled “Human Baltic,” on view from May 27 to June 9, 2024.
Art historian Līga Goldberga speaks about her research in Zenta Dzividzinska's archive in the conference “Hidden (Hi)stories: New Perspectives of Women’s Photographies” in Thessaloniki, Greece
Līga Goldberga presented a paper titled “Archive as Ego Document: Exploring Curatorial Strategies that Activate Care Labor for Women’s Photographic Heritage.” The conference took place in May 17-19, 2024, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Images by Dzividzinska from the 1960s turned into custom-made cyanotype prints on fabric
The exhibition “Contemporary Histories of Photography I” was on view from May 17 to June 27, 2024, at the ISSP Gallery in Riga, Latvia. Artist Liene Pavlovska, the designer of the exhibition, used several photographs by Zenta Dzividzinska from the series “Riga Pantomime” (1964-1965) to create custom-made cyanotype prints on fabric.
Article about Dzividzinska included in an anthology of Central Eastern European feminist writing
The article by Alise Tifentale, “Entering the Elusive Estate of Photographer Zenta Dzividzinska (1944-2011)”, published in MoMA Post in 2021, is included in the publication “Central Eastern European & Diasporic Feminisms. Bibliography” (London: Cell Project Space, 2024), which was launched on May 15, 2024, at Biblioteka, 1 Montague St (Architectural Association), London.
Zenta Dzividzinska’s self-portraits in the exhibition “We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art”
A selection of Zenta Dzividzinska’s self-portrait photographs from the 1960s are included in the exhibition “We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art,” curated by Inga Lāce, Adomas Narkevičius, and Rebeka Põldsam, on view at the MO Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania, March 9–September 8, 2024.
New research article by Līga Goldberga on Zenta Dzividzinska’s early photomontages
New research article on the origins and making of previously unpublished photomontages: Līga Goldberga, “Vienas fotogrāfijas stāsts: Zenta Dzividzinska” [The Story of One Photograph: Zenta Dzividzinska], FK Magazine, March 11, 2024
Photomontage works by Zenta Dzividzinska in exhibition "All’s Good Between Us"
The exhibition "All’s Good Between Us" was curated by Andra Silapētere and organized by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA) in Riga, Latvia, from February 14 to March 31, 2024. [extended until April 4]
The legacy of Zenta Dzividzinska at the ASEEES annual conference in Philadelphia
The legacy of the artist and photographer Zenta Dzividzinska was discussed at the ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies) conference in Philadelphia, PA, on Saturday, December 2, 2023.
“Completing an Unfinished Sentence: On the Collaboration between Sophie Thun and the Archive of Zenta Dzividzinska"
For this catalogue essay, art historian Alise Tifentale revisited the collaboration between the artist Sophie Thun and the archive of Zenta Dzividzinska that began in 2021.
Exhibition “Don’t Cry! Feminist Perspectives in Latvian Art: 1965–2023”
Zenta Dzividzinska’s vintage prints are included in a group exhibition at the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia, on view from July 15 to October 15, 2023.
Archival Research at the Zenta Dzividzinska Collection at the National Library of Latvia
US-based art historian Maria Garth, a Ph.D. candidate in Art History at Rutgers University, visited the National Library of Latvia in April 2023 to view their collection of Zenta Dzividzinska’s photographic prints, negatives, publications, exhibition materials, handwritten notes, journals, and personal memorabilia.
“Caring for the Biography of an Archive” in BASEES Annual Conference 2023 in Glasgow
Art historian Liga Goldberga presents her ongoing work with Zenta Dzividzinska’s archive at the National Library of Latvia in the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) conference.
"Intimacy and Darkness” in Zenta Dzividzinska’s photographs
One of Latvia’s foremost feminist scholars, Jana Kukaine, discusses Zenta Dzividzinska’s photographs in her latest article.
“With Zenta” in 20 Seconds magazine
“With Zenta” includes a new photo essay by Sophie Thun, based on photographic self-portraits of Zenta Dzividzinska (1944-2011), with text co-authored by Līga Goldberga. Print only!
“Sophie Thun Interprets Zenta Dzividzinska’s Negatives: A Case Study of Exploring and Re-evaluation of a Private Photo Archive”
New article by Alise Tifentale published in Mapping Methods and Materials: Photographic Heritage in Cultural and Art-historical Research. Proceedings of the National Library of Latvia 9 (XXIX) (2022): 254-274. Open access!
New scholarship on Zenta Dzividzinska by Maria Garth in Journal of Avant-Garde Studies
New article: Maria Garth, "Soviet Avant-Gardes and Socialist Realism. Women Photographers Bridging the Divide, 1930s-1960s," in Journal of Avant-Garde Studies, (2022) 1–33. Open access!
Zenta Dzividzinska’s images, interpreted by Sophie Thun, in Thun’s solo exhibition in Kunstverein Hildesheim
Sophie Thun, solo exhibition “Trails and Tributes,” curated by Christin Müller und Torsten Scheid at the Kunstverein Hildesheim, Germany, on view May 8 - July 17, 2022.
Frieze Magazine, May 2022: Artist Sophie Thun speaks about her experience of working with Zenta Dzividzinska’s archive
“‘I Don't Feel Guilt’: Sophie Thun and Julian Irlinger on the Photographic Archive.” Chloe Stead talks with the artists about their personal approaches to mining the past. Frieze Magazine, April 28, 2022 (online), Issue 227, May 2022 (print).
Prints by Zenta Dzividzinska in the new permanent display of postwar art at the Latvian National Museum of Art
The photography exhibition “12 Photographers / 125 Photographs / 10 Series” is curated by Elita Ansone and is on view February 19 - December 31, 2022.
Last series by Zenta Dzividzinska on view in Cēsis Concert Hall art gallery
Zenta Dzividzinska's last series Servitude (2002-2007), large-scale black-and-white photographs, are included in the exhibition “Sense of Home” at the art gallery of Cēsis Concert Hall, Cēsis, Latvia, February 5 - April 10, 2022.