Images by Dzividzinska from the 1960s turned into custom-made cyanotype prints on fabric
The exhibition “Contemporary Histories of Photography I” was on view from May 17 to June 27, 2024, at the ISSP Gallery in Riga, Latvia. Artist Liene Pavlovska, the designer of the exhibition, used several photographs by Zenta Dzividzinska from the series “Riga Pantomime” (1964-1965) to create custom-made cyanotype prints on fabric.
Original images by Zenta Dzividzinska, from the series “Riga Pantomime” (1964-1965). Contemporary cyanotype prints on fabric by Liene Pavlovska. Photo courtesy of ISSP and Liāna Ivete Žilde.
The cycle of exhibitions is a part of the Riga Photography Biennial 2024 program, which focuses on issues of identity this year.
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Curator - Liāna Ivete Žilde.
The curatorial concept of the exhibition has been developed as part of the Art Academy of Latvia's MA program in Curatorial Studies, and the project "Landscapes of Identities: History, Culture, and Environment" / IDEUM (Nr. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/1-0008) of the State Research Program "Letonika for the Development of Latvian and European Societies" of the Latvian Research Council.
Cyanotype prints on fabric by Liene Pavlovska. Photo courtesy of ISSP and Liāna Ivete Žilde.
Original images by Zenta Dzividzinska, from the series “Riga Pantomime” (1964-1965). Contemporary cyanotype prints on fabric by Liene Pavlovska. Photo courtesy of ISSP and Liāna Ivete Žilde.