Frieze Magazine, May 2022: Artist Sophie Thun speaks about her experience of working with Zenta Dzividzinska’s archive
“‘I Don't Feel Guilt’: Sophie Thun and Julian Irlinger on the Photographic Archive.” Chloe Stead talks with the artists about their personal approaches to mining the past. Frieze Magazine, April 28, 2022 (online), Issue 227, May 2022 (print).
Sophie Thun (a few excerpts from the conversation):
I felt an instant kinship with Zenta, not to mention a huge debt of gratitude to her and all the female photographic artists of the 1960s and ’70s, whose fight for recognition means that I now have access to funding and chances to exhibit my work.
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I’m interested (. . . ) in merging different moments in time. So, although these photographs were taken in the 1960s and ’70s, I was developing them in 2021, and I wanted to make that fact visible.
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Zenta herself was no longer alive, so she couldn’t give me guidelines, which was why I had to make it clear that, although they are her images, I was making aesthetic choices that might have been different to hers.
Read more about Frieze Magazine print issue 227 (May 2022) and purchase a copy here.