Riga Pantomime. Riga
Solo exhibition Riga Pantomime at the art books store Mākslas Grāmata (The Art Book) in Riga, Latvia, 1965.
This was Dzividzinska’s first solo exhibition and also the only one until 1999. Unfortunately, we have not yet recovered any photographs of the exhibition itself. This page will be updated when such photographs will come up. The three images below were among the exhibited works.
Zenta Dzividzinska. Pause. From the series Riga Pantomime (1964-66).
Zenta Dzividzinska. Two. From the series Riga Pantomime (1964-66).
Zenta Dzividzinska. Untitled (painter Laima Eglīte). From the series Riga Pantomime (1964-66).